Monday 13 April 2015

A 'wonder' ful life

   Are you enjoying the richness that comes from living a life full of wonder? Do you still pause to admire the majesty of a bird soaring effortlessly or smile as squirrels race together in play?  

 Do you appreciate the determination of weeds that persevere against the odds of poisons and cement determined to squelch them? Do you still wonder at the rhythm of seasons, the changing colours, and the smell of freshly cut grass? 

If you no longer ‘wonder’ about the mysteries of life, it may be time to spend time with a young child.

"Daddy, where the light go?"

Last night when I was visiting with my grand-daughters on Skype, I asked little Elise (almost 2) whether it was time for bed.  As she looked out the window, she shook her head and, in a determined voice, declared, “No, I stay up!”  Seeing it was dark outside, she paused….and then looked up at her Daddy and asked, “Daddy, where the light go?”

Daddy responded that it was night-time, so the light went away; he assured her that it would return in the morning.  Not satisfied, Elise asked with more earnestness in her voice, But Daddy, where it go?  Where the light go, Daddy?”

Can you hear the child-like curiosity?  I smiled as I remembered question after question that Elise’s daddy once asked his daddy, Daddy, how do squirrels fly without wings?  Why do you need gas for a car to work?  But what makes the wheels all turn at the same time? How does thunder make lightning or does lightning make thunder?” “Why is snow dry and rain wet and ice slippery?  How do the stars stay in the sky?  Why does the moon change if the stars and sun always look the same?”

 “I wonder”… The thesaurus offers the following options for wonder: reflect, marvel, question, mystery, gaze, miracle, astonishment, ponder, doubt, surprise, curiosity….

The purpose of my blog is to share those things that cause me to pause…to wonder…to celebrate...Most are related to learning because, as a teacher, this topic is of special interest to me. I invite you to wonder along with me; to share your thoughts, your questions, and your theories.


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